Broadway at the Bass Ticket Exchanges

Can’t attend your currently scheduled performance? You can exchange your tickets for a different performance time of the same title online by logging into your account or by calling Patron Services at 817-212-4280. In both cases, you are responsible for any price difference due to a change in seat location, performance time, or pricing changes from the show. 

Available inventory varies by performance, and seats available may not be comparable to where you are currently seated. Performances may also only have single seats available or be sold out. In the event that no performance has desirable seating available, you may donate your tickets back to Performing Arts Fort Worth and receive an Income Tax credit as PAFW is a 501(c) non-profit organization. Tickets cannot be refunded. 

All exchange requests must be placed prior to the performance and when the exchange window is open. Tickets can only be exchanged for another date or time of the same performance.  Single tickets may be exchanged for a non-refundable $4 fee per ticket. Exchange fees are waived for Broadway at the Bass Season Ticket Holders.

See below for instructions on how to exchange your tickets online.